Simulation pattern generation

Header: mockturtle/algorithms/pattern_generation.hpp

The following example shows how to generate expressive simulation patterns for an AIG network. It starts with 256 random patterns, generates stuck-at patterns to make every node’s signature has at least 3 bits of 0 and 3 bits of 1 which are observable at at least 5 levels of fan-out. The generated patterns are then written out to a file.

/* derive some AIG */
aig_network aig = ...;

pattern_generation_params ps;
ps.num_stuck_at = 3;
ps.odc_levels = 5;

partial_simulator sim( aig.num_pis(), 256 );
pattern_generation( aig, sim, ps );
write_patterns( sim, "patterns.pat" );

Parameters and statistics

struct mockturtle::pattern_generation_params

Public Members

uint32_t num_stuck_at = {1}

Number of patterns each node should have for both values.

When this parameter is set to greater than 1, and if the network has more than 2048 PIs, the BUFFER_SIZE in lib/bill/sat/interface/abc_bsat2.hpp has to be increased to at least ntk.num_pis().

int32_t odc_levels = {0}

Whether to consider observability, and how many levels. 0 = no. -1 = Consider TFO until PO.

bool progress = {false}

Show progress.

bool verbose = {false}

Be verbose. Note that it will take more time to do extra ODC computation if this is turned on.

std::default_random_engine::result_type random_seed = {1}

Random seed.

uint32_t conflict_limit = {1000}

Conflict limit of the SAT solver.

uint32_t max_clauses = {1000}

Maximum number of clauses of the SAT solver. (incremental CNF construction)

struct mockturtle::pattern_generation_stats

Public Members

stopwatch::duration time_total = {0}

Total time.

stopwatch::duration time_sim = {0}

Time for simulation.

stopwatch::duration time_sat = {0}

Time for SAT solving.

stopwatch::duration time_odc = {0}

Time for ODC computation.

uint32_t num_constant = {0}

Number of constant nodes.

uint32_t num_generated_patterns = {0}

Number of generated patterns.

uint32_t unobservable_type1 = {0}

Number of stuck-at patterns that is re-generated because the original one was unobservable.

uint32_t unobservable_type2 = {0}

Number of additional patterns generated because the node was unobservable with one value.

uint32_t unobservable_node = {0}

Number of unobservable nodes (node for which an observable pattern can not be found).


template<bool substitute_const = false, class Ntk, class Simulator>
void mockturtle::pattern_generation(Ntk &ntk, Simulator &sim, pattern_generation_params const &ps = {}, pattern_generation_stats *pst = nullptr)

Expressive simulation pattern generation.

This function implements two simulation pattern generation methods: stuck-at value checking and observability checking. Please refer to [1] for details of the algorithm and its purpose.

[1] Simulation-Guided Boolean Resubstitution. IWLS 2020 (arXiv:2007.02579).


sim – Reference of a partial_simulator or bit_packed_simulator object where the generated patterns will be stored. It can be empty (Simulator( ntk.num_pis(), 0 )) or already containing some patterns generated from previous runs (Simulator( filename )) or randomly generated (Simulator( ntk.num_pis(), num_random_patterns )). The generated patterns can then be written out with write_patterns or directly be used by passing the simulator to another algorithm.