DSD decomposition

Here is an example how DSD decomposition can be used to create a k-LUT network from a truth table.

/* input function */
kitty::dynamic_truth_table table( 5u );
kitty::create_from_expression( table, "{a<(bc)de>}" );

klut_network ntk;
const auto x1 = ntk.create_pi();
const auto x2 = ntk.create_pi();
const auto x3 = ntk.create_pi();
const auto x4 = ntk.create_pi();
const auto x5 = ntk.create_pi();

auto fn = [&]( kitty::dynamic_truth_table const& remainder, std::vector<klut_network::signal> const& children ) {
  return ntk.create_node( children, remainder );

ntk.create_po( dsd_decomposition( ntk, table, {x1, x2, x3, x4, x5}, fn ) );

write_bench( ntk, std::cout );

The output is:

n0 = gnd
n1 = vdd
n7 = LUT 0x8 (n3, n4)
n8 = LUT 0xe8 (n7, n5, n6)
n9 = LUT 0xe (n2, n8)
po0 = LUT 0x2 (n9)

That is DSD decomposition extracted the OR gate on the top and the AND gate on the bottom. The remaining majority-function is non-decomposable and is constructed as a node using the callback function.

Header: mockturtle/algorithms/dsd_decomposition.hpp

template<class Ntk, class Fn>
signal<Ntk> mockturtle::dsd_decomposition(Ntk &ntk, kitty::dynamic_truth_table const &func, std::vector<signal<Ntk>> const &children, Fn &&on_prime, dsd_decomposition_params const &ps = {})

DSD decomposition.

This function applies DSD decomposition on an input truth table and constructs a network based on all possible decompositions. If the truth table is only partially decomposable, then the remaining prime function is returned back to the caller using the call back on_prime together with the computed primary inputs for that remainder.

The on_prime function must be of type NtkDest::signal( kitty::dynamic_truth_table const&, std::vector<NtkDest::signal> const&).

Required network functions:

  • create_not

  • create_and

  • create_or

  • create_lt

  • create_le

  • create_xor